Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - 1937

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Wow. What a classic to start with. I think I HAVE to say that because holy moly was this movie actually hard to get through. I had a really hard time suspending my 2020 brain and needed to keep reminding myself that This movie as made in the 1930’s! Truly an incredible feat that is still worthy of being celebrated today, especially considering they don’t even make movies like the way they made Snow White.


This film completely sets the bar for so many standards for that were made iconic by Disney and still hold true today. One that’s worth noting is the extraordinary development and involvement of side characters. While modern day viewers could see Snow White as prissy and annoying (not a lie), the iconic Seven Dwarfs still hold up! They’re unique, clever and fun to watch! Heck, I even squeaked out a legitimate laugh to one of Grumpy’s sassy comments. Is he the 1937 version of Squidward? Probably the other way around.


An adaptation:

[SNOW WHITE has awoken from her nap in the dwarfs beds and is greeted by 7 pairs of eyes watching her intently, highly curious.]



Oh! How do you do? 

            [The dwarfs do not respond.]


Well… How do you do?!


GRUMPY [gruffly]:

How do you do what?



Anyway, did I give this movie a thumbs up on my Instagram story? Yes. Did I want to? No. No matter what happens in the world this movie will still be the first full length animated feature film and that is an accomplishment that always deserves to be recognized and celebrated. That recognition and celebration can occur while it stays buried in my Disney+ library.

PS: I was today years old when I learned the plural for ‘dwarf’ is not ‘dwarves.’



